Why do I need BookinCenter?

To have at your disposal the most advanced platform in the Market, when it comes to integrating in a single setting all the functionalities you need and manage the personalized  hotel sale: a client, a situation, and an opportunity.

  • Diversifies your distribution

  • Increases your bookings

  • Increases your profitability

  • Saves time

What does BookinCenter offer me?

  • Inventory control and distribution, and real-time update

  • Management of different rate types to be distributed among the different channels and markets.

  • Authomatized booking download into your PMS (Review  the ‘connectivities’ section in our web to see the updated list)

  • Simplified analysis of your Data

  • Numerous possible combinations of rates and prices

  • Flat-rate BUSINESS MODEL, no comissions, no surcharges.

Why Dingus?

We want to help you