Located on El Cortecito beach, the hotels of Impressive Resort & Spa and Premium Punta Cana have just been added to Dingus’ client catalogue, to have the advantages of Bookincenter and PMSconnect when it comes to managing their tourism marketing, from technological, efficient and safe environments. With these solutions and tools we simplify the dynamics with the different channels, unify the sales process and facilitate greater control to ensure the profitability of the hotel.

Both resorts are designed to enjoy a privileged and comfortable environment in the pleasant tropical climate of the Caribbean, in an environment to rest and enjoy exclusive options, personalized and available to the guest 24 hours a day. The installations, areas and services include a remarkable variety of restaurants and bars, as well as access to a beautiful beach, extensive and leafy gardens, and different pool environments.

Still don’t know Bookincenter and PMSconnect?

Bookincenter is the solution that allows you to manage all aspects of online sales and distribution. It is the central axis of our product on which coexist the rest of functionalities, developed for the needs of commercialization: from the automatic download of reservations and the management in line of the channels of sale, up to the own direct sale in the web of the hotel. In addition, connecting Bookincenter to the management software through PMSconnect simplifies the daily commercial and administrative management of the establishment, ensuring that the availability inventory is updated in real time.

Our commitment: to facilitate the management of distribution with speed, simplicity and efficiency, so that you can focus more comfortably on the satisfaction of your customers.

Currently, Dingus has more than 200 active channels. 57% have already adopted our standard API, both Pull and Push, allowing us to quickly and securely increase our customers’ marketability. In addition, as it is our own API, it is possible to take full advantage of the functionalities of our tool, which is constantly evolving according to the needs of the market and our customers.