We welcome the new brand of our partner Fastpayhotels. Zinantis ensures hoteliers ‘have complete transparency in their distribution thanks to a personalised booking reference’ and, thanks to the connectivity with Dingus®, they highlight that ‘hoteliers will be able to redirect specific rates to tour operators without fear of losing control over their distribution, and know exactly what incremental business each member represents’.

The new business division of Faspayhotels was launched in September 2023 and is based on ‘a technology specifically dedicated to turoperation, including also several complementary products to close the full distribution cycle’. As announced in the partnership statement, ‘the new distribution club is essentially aimed at TTOOs in Europe, but also (for the time being) at TTOOs in the USA and Australia’.


How and where does the club operate?

Member hotels can choose the tour operators they want to work with, as ‘connectivity is only established by agreement between members. The club already establishes thousands of direct relationships between members that require more visibility and technology in their distribution’. Launched in the UK, it has more than 50 TTOOs (such as Kenwood, Hays Travel, Co.Op, Barrhead and JTA, among others). In March, it launched in Germany and will shortly launch in France ‘to be followed by Scandinavia and Italy’.

‘Thanks to the connectivity with Dingus®, hoteliers will be able to redirect specific rates to tour operators without fear of losing control over their distribution, and know exactly what incremental business each member represents’ explain Zinantis, whose platform ‘acts as a technological intermediary and offers various options for contracting distribution products, such as different forms of payment (VCC, Wallets), customer support and contracts, but also has a series of partners selected for their technology and to complete the distribution cycle’. Zinantis does not work with any resellers or other B2B partners to ensure ‘the most direct process to the end customer and full control of pricing’.

Zinantis defines itself ‘not as a technology company, but as a private club environment that leverages technology to ensure smart distribution’.


Cristina Torres. Dircom Dingus®