• About fifty students of Business Administration and Tourism at the Balearic University received the diploma that enables them to start their specialized training in collaborating companies, such as Dingus.

The University of the Balearic Islands hosted the closing ceremony of the second Aula de Formación, Alojamiento e Intermediación, with which Dingus once again had the pleasure of collaborating. At the event, organised by the UIB and Direct Beds, diplomas were awarded to accredit the training acquired by the fifty or so students of this edition in terms of knowledge and practices essential for their integration into hotel establishments and brokerage companies.

Students of Tourism and Business Administration have surpassed the 13 weeks of the classroom, and now face the incorporation to the labor market facilitated by the collaborating companies themselves with this initiative. In fact, the course has been designed as a bridge between the extension of training and access to a job.

In the case of our Dingus brand, the collaboration with the project is marked by everything that a technology company can contribute to the tourism sector, based on a business model in constant innovation and with innovation as a lever. We are delighted to sponsor both the training courses that have taken place both at the university and in our own offices, bearing in mind that the main attraction of this interaction is that the students who finally join our team will have known beforehand both the company and its organization chart and the main functions they will be able to perform.

This edition has also included Meliá Hotels Internacional, Iberostar, Fergus, Stil Hotels, Ola Hotels, Jumbototours, Der Touristik, Hosteltur, the Hotel Federation of Mallorca, the Fundació Mallorca Turisme and the Faculty of Tourism of the UIB.