• The 3rd promotion of the classroom organized by Direct Beds begins this November at the Faculty of Tourism of the University of the Balearic Islands, and will last until April

Commitment to the employer, a resolving attitude, teamwork or the loss of fears and insecurities are just some of the aspects that are worked on in this initiative, proposed as a link between the increase in training and the incorporation of university students into the labour market.

Direct Beds launches this November the third Training Classroom for Accommodation and Intermediation with which Dingus collaborates since the first edition. One more year, this specialized training, aimed at students of the degrees of Business Administration and Tourism, will be held at the Faculty of Tourism of the University of the Balearic Islands, with the collaboration of different companies in the field of technology and tourism.

The training programme, explains Mireia Faugier, responsible for Direct Beds, is deployed in three modules: “the general content module, and the specific ones for intermediation and accommodation, and it is offered not only to students, since the collaborating companies can register two of their workers so that they can retrain in these subjects”. In this new edition, the coaching component is once again very important “to work on aspects such as attitude, humility, punctuality or how to face fears and uncertainties, and role plays that simulate real situations with clients and companies”.

For Dingus, which after the two previous editions has incorporated several of the participants in the course into its workforce, this collaboration demonstrates “the company’s commitment,” says CEO Jaume Monserrat, “to investing in training and supporting initiatives that promote the training and qualification of the brand’s future employees. “

Dingus offers technology in the form of solutions to improve efficiency and profitability in the marketing of tourism services. Our Know-How allows us to establish the business rules of the sector as an engine for the development of new solutions, and internationalization, proximity to the customer as a basis for growth.