“A perfect opportunity to learn first-hand about the new services, trends and technologies offered by leading cloud providers, as well as how leading technology companies use and apply these services”. This is how our colleagues at Etoolinnovation sum up their attendance at the recent meetings of Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services.

With nearly 2,000 attendees, Google Cloud Summit discussed topics such as the digital transformation in the enterprise and the generation of business from data analytics, or how to maintain data security in the cloud and simple ways to implement machine learning. The organisers of the meeting in Madrid affirm that “thanks to the democratisation of digitalisation, not only can large companies benefit from the most advanced technological services, but SMEs can now also take advantage of their full potential with a very good range of tools and services”.

The technical director of Google stressed the “enormous possibilities that the cloud model offers to companies. It’s about turning data into decisions and automating processes: automation is necessary, because if you do things by hand you can make mistakes”. Paul Strong recalled that “there are 5 billion mobile phone users in the world, 1.8 billion people are already shopping online and 2.5 million terabytes of data are collected every day…but taking advantage of all these opportunities requires a necessary transformation in companies”. Other important points addressed at the meeting were the creation of intelligence from data and cloud security. The Google Cloud ensures that it filters out 10 million malicious emails and spam every minute, a shield against malicious activity on the Internet and 71% of the security breaches that continue to go undetected.

The AWS Summit, for its part, stressed that “without constant innovation, companies have an expiry date”. The fourth edition of this meeting with more than four thousand attendees served, precisely, to highlight the 1,400 services (around four new ones each day) that were launched from the platform, the way in which they evolve and improve, “which gives an idea of the magnitude of the innovation offered by the cloud services company and justifies a turnover of 22,000 million dollars and a growth of 49%”.

For Etoolinnovation, events such as these are “of vital importance to an innovative company like ours, facilitating contact with developers, customers, partners and technology specialists, with whom an extraordinary atmosphere is created to encourage learning and inspiration”. The trends and new services presented are mainly oriented towards Big Data, data analysis, machine learning and continuous development processes, aspects in which Etoolinnovation is already working to evolve the technological solutions and tools of Dingus’ customers, or to generate the new products and services demanded by the market we are targeting.