• The group’s certification implies that our brands Dingus and Etoolinnovation comply with the accredited Quality Management System demanded by the international market.

The increase in cyber-attacks, data theft and hijacking, as well as the various threats to the technology environment, confirm the Hitt Group’s decision to be certified to ISO 27001, the international standard that describes best practices for an information security management system. We also anticipate the trend in data protection that has now been consolidated as an obligation with the new RGPD (General European Data Protection Regulation).

However, as an essential part of the strategy developed for the group in the current biennium, and with planning focused on our 2020 objective -which is none other than to be the benchmark in the world of tourism in the commercial management of hotel reservations through technology and business knowledge- we have taken another important step in responding to the needs of our clients: they demand certified suppliers to generate more confidence.

As Dingus’ CEO and co-founder of Hitt Group, Jaume Monserrat, points out, “protecting the group’s brands and the group itself under ISO 9001 is the way we demonstrate our ability to provide products and services that meet customer requirements and applicable regulations at all times. We work -says Monserrat- with a strong strategy that makes regulations a declaration of principles”. With this certification we are not only able to improve the image of our offer in the market, favouring its development and strengthening the positioning of the group. We also expect to increase and consolidate customer satisfaction, bringing benefits to our internal management. This ISO 9001 is a means “to maintain and improve the effectiveness and adequacy of the quality management system, encourages us to enter into a process of continuous improvement and also contributes to improving resources, increasing the motivation and participation of all Hitt Group staff”.

We are really pleased to be able to show off the seal of approval that accredits this certification.