• The corporate seal of the brands Dingus and Etoolinnovation becomes part of the thirty companies of the Balearic Islands that has this distinction of the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity.
  • Jaume Monserrat: “Being an Innovative SME clearly shows that one of our valuable contributions to our customers and the market is innovation”.
  • This recognition is linked to the public funding of the CDTI (Centre for Industrial Technological Development) for a project based on Big Data technology.

If at the end of 2016 were just 14 Balearic companies recognized as Innovative SME, this 2018 the figure already reaches thirty. Hitt Group, the corporate seal of the Dingus and Ettolinnovation brands, has joined a registry whose ultimate purpose is to establish a public policy that will help business growth and sustainability.

The three requirements established by the Ministry for access to accreditation are: to have received public financing in the last three years (without suffering revocation due to incorrect or insufficient execution of the financed activity), to have demonstrated the innovative character through the activity itself, or to have the capacity for innovation accredited through other official certifications recognized by Economy and Competitivity.

In the case of Hitt Group, as CEO Jaume Monserrat explains, obtaining the seal has to do with “public funding for R&D&I projects, received in the last year“. For his part, the manager of the Business Unit of Innova Experts explains that this funding was obtained from “the Research and Development Projects line of the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) for the project ‘Development of a new technical solution for the analysis, management and centralisation of massive quantities of information in the hotel sector’ based on Big Data technology”. Once this funding was obtained -says Gerard Samaniego“we proceeded to communicate to the Ministry the fulfillment of the requirements for recognition as an innovative company, making possible its accreditation”.

Innova Experts, specialized in offering management services and optimization of financial resources for R & D activities in companies and entities, say that “obtaining this seal is very favorable for Hitt Group, both from a point of view of tax benefits and image in the market. Therefore, the logo can be used for advertising and promotional purposes, where customers can see the Innovative SME seal next to the company logo and know that, beyond the usual campaigns that all companies make of their commitment to R & D, the merits of innovation within their sector of activity are officially recognized”.

In fiscal terms, the accreditation also contemplates a series of benefits, gives the option to participate in Innovative Public Procurement (administrative action to promote innovation through public procurement) and allows access to funding lines ICO Innovation Technology Fund. The latter are the ones that facilitate the training and hiring of qualified personnel for the development of research activities.

For Jaume Monserrat, all of this makes it possible to “clearly state that one of our valuable contributions is innovation, in the eyes of our clients and the market. We dedicate a significant percentage to innovation on an annual basis, so -without doubt- obtaining this type of recognition positions the company’s commitment and makes it possible to visualize, internally and externally, our future approaches with regard to technology”.

Although Hitt Group’s seal of approval as an Innovative SME will be in force until August 2021, within the three-year period established in a standard manner and date from which the company is eligible for renewal, the company already knows that “actions will focus on the marketing and communication campaign 2019-2020, based on the new products that will be placed on the market”.

About the Hitt Group brands:

Dingus is a technological company of high level services for the tourist industry. The Know-how in the distribution of the tourist product is the contribution and bet of future of Dingus for its clients.

Etoolinnovation is a technology software factory and advanced products for the tourism industry, with R & D as one of its strategic lines of growth. Pioneer company in Cloud Computing, Big Data, Open Innovation and solutions to manage B2B and B2C of the tourism product.