The different teams of Dingus that went to the International Tourism Fair of Madrid, Fitur, held during this 2020 edition more than a hundred meetings with customers, channels, partners and business opportunities for our tools and technological solutions. The Customer Services, Commercial, Support and Integration departments have segmented the meetings this year, so that each one was focused on a need, saving time and allowing a concrete response to each specific concern.

The future is Data Hotel

Our advance for the immediate future at Fitur has been Data Hotel: Dingus’ commitment to Big Data technology to generate business intelligence and make it easier for the hotel to make the most useful and beneficial decisions. At the fair we have had the opportunity to give our clients a preview of the functionalities we are working on, with a very good reception, says our CEO “both for the novelty of the proposal and for the highly innovative product design”. Jaume Monserrat also highlights that two fundamental aspects have been evaluated very positively: the capacity of Data Hotel to offer context and historical information in a fast and segmented way, and the fact of having an application based on Business Intelligence ‘plug&play’. In other words, there is no need for configuration or practically no training in its use. We believe that the expectation generated has been high and, if we base ourselves on all the contributions received in this first approach, we can assure that not only is it an expected product: the sector is already impatient for the official announcement of the Data Hotel’s launch”.

The quality of connectivity with Dingus, recognized by

  • Connectivity partner programme_Premier booking
  • y Dingus en Fitur 2020

In addition to the meetings held with the different channels present at the fair in Madrid, those that already connect with Dingus and others interested in doing so soon, at Fitur our status as’s Premier partner has been made official. The platform thus includes us among “the best connectivity service providers and the most valuable” for the hotels it works with.

Business value (how much business a connectivity provider generates), hosting performance (how well providers help, whether by driving revenue, conversion or other indicators), products and quality, and commitment are the four different areas rated by to recognize a level as Premier. This seal shows that “we not only prioritize integrations that are relevant to the hotel by production volume, market opening or strategic issues, among others, but we try to get the most out of them in terms of functionality, quality and integration optimization.’s Partner Premier level recognizes both the quality of the integration and the commitment to always provide it with more functionality, which translates into more effective connectivity and better sales for the hotel”.

Consolidated products and back-up services

  • Dingus en fitur 2020
  • Dingus en fitur 2020
  • Dingus en fitur 2020

In this expedition we have verified the solidity in the market of Bookincenter (CRS-distribution) for the logistics related to product and prices (reservations and tariffs), as well as of Book&Payment (PCI-collection manager) to improve the efficiency and security in the collections during the whole policy of collection of the establishment. But we have also been able to present the new Roomonline booking engine, (our web-Booking Engine-API, prepared so that we can accompany our clients in their direct sales strategy), and the Dingus Premium Service: an extra help to face certain workloads that the hotel cannot assume.

This strategy deployed at Fitur responds to the conviction that we have an answer for every requirement and a knowledge that complements technology as an added value. As always, contact us if you think we can be useful to you at