• The impact of the TSP (Technological Service Provider) in tourism, the challenges to be overcome with a 2030 vision and the specific proposal of Dingus® were the main themes of Jaume Monserrat’s speech to the students of Tourism and Business Administration at the University of the Balearic Islands, UIB.

Invited by the professor of Information Management of the Degree in Tourism, Dr. Carlos Juiz, the CEO of Dingus® has once again collaborated with the Balearic University to address the challenges of the tourism industry that technology can solve, or facilitate. In short, as Juiz pointed out, to “explain how tourism operators can use IT to improve productivity and competitiveness”.

Jaume Monserrat began by placing the students in the current context, marked by environmental, geopolitical and macroeconomic factors, laws and regulations and socio-economic aspects, among others. “All of these -he said- have to be part of any strategic approach. Also in a technology provider like Dingus®, which focuses on being constantly prepared to meet the needs of all actors in the value chain in tourism distribution“.

In terms of the challenges for tourism that we contemplate, Monserrat referred to “overcoming the complexity in distribution, achieving dynamism in technology to solve customer demands, or the inevitable impact of external events that are marking these years”. But he also referred to the objectives of sustainable development, a digital transformation that is still incomplete, and the debate on the reconfiguration of the tourism model, or policies to reduce operating costs.



After the presentation of the company to the students, who in their professional future will probably have to work with tourism technology providers, Jaume Monserrat focused on the products and services of Dingus® “focused on achieving the highest levels of scalability and competitiveness.


To close the session, our CEO talked about the ‘mindset’, the digital mindset in the 2030 vision of technology service providers (TSPs) with three tips for success: having a good business platform, a data-driven model, as well as customer engagement and talent.


Cristina Torres. Corporate communication and media relations